Is Olive Oil Good for Cats? Here Are Its Top Benefits

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. You should always consult your vet before making any additions or adjustments to your cat’s diet.

Are you curious about whether olive oil is good for cats?. You may have heard that olive oil can offer numerous health benefits for humans, but what about cats? In this article, you’ll learn all about the top benefits of olive oil for cats and why it’s a great addition to their diet.

As producers of very high quality olive oil, we have a wealth of knowledge about the product and its benefits. This article is for cat owners who care deeply about their pets’ wellbeing and want only the best for them. Whether you’re already familiar with olive oil or just starting to explore its benefits, keep reading to find out more.

Do cats like olive oil?

Cats are finicky eaters. They are sensitive to new tastes and smells, which means you have to be careful when introducing olive oil to them. Olive oil is a healthy fat that’s good for your cat, but it doesn’t mean they’ll automatically like it just because it’s healthy. Give it a try and see if your cat likes olive oil, but don’t give up if they don’t fall in love with the taste right away!

Benefits of olive oil for cats

Can help with dry skin conditions such as cat dandruff

Olive oil is a natural moisturizer that can help with many dry skin conditions, including cat dandruff. It also promotes skin and fur health by keeping your cat’s skin natural oils in balance. Moreover, extra virgin olive oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Thus, adding small amounts of olive oil to your cat’s diet can do wonders for their health, skin and their coat.

How to use

You can apply a small amount of olive oil on a cotton ball, and use it to gently massage the affected area. You can also apply a few drops directly on the skin, and then wipe and spread out the excess oil around the area.

Can help with constipation & hairballs

Cats love to groom themselves. Whereas most hairs swallowed from grooming will pass through the digestive system, some hair will inevitably stay in the stomach, creating a hairball. Moreover, cats are notorious for not drinking enough water, which can lead to constipation, especially if they eat lots of dry food.

If you’ve tried brushing them more often, switching to wet food, or buying a cat fountain to no avail, adding some extra virgin olive oil to their diet can help improve these conditions. Olive oil can help soften the stools, and also allow for more hair to pass through the digestive system.

How to use

I found that the easiest way to mix extra virgin olive oil with cat food is to use an olive oil sprayer. This way you can control the dose very effectively, and make sure that the olive oil is evenly distributed in the food.

Supports grooming and can prevent matted fur

A cat’s coat is not just for show, it’s a vital part of their self-care. Therefore matted fur is not only a sign of an unhealthy coat, but can signify a change of behavior that indicates an underlying health condition. Matted fur can also be painful, and cause skin irritation and infections unless it’s removed. Fortunately, olive oil can support your cat’s fur care and help prevent matted fur in the first place.

How to use

For prevention, it’s enough to use olive oil a couple of times per week, preferably when brushing your cat. Apply a few drops in a silicon brush, and brush your cat’s coat as per usual. You can also apply a few drops to your cat’s front paws and legs and to the area just under the ears. Your cat will almost immediately start licking it and grooming itself with it. If you’re de-matting your cat, you can use olive oil to

Promotes ear health

Cats are very good at keeping themselves clean but the inside of the ear is notoriously hard to reach. If you have more than one cat you may have noticed them cleaning the inside of each other’s ears, but if you are a single cat household, chances are that your cat could use a little help in the ear cleaning department.

How to use

You can gently clean the ears every other week to once weekly. To do this, apply a few drops of extra virgin olive oil onto a cotton ball and swabbing out the ears. Make sure to wipe out excess oil and do not leave any cotton in the ears.

Is it safe to give olive oil to cats?

Olive oil is a natural product that can be given to cats as a supplement. It is not considered toxic to cats, but should be given in moderation as with any other dietary supplement. In my experience, a tea spoon every week or second week is enough, especially if you consider that for a cat that’s not a small portion at all. Organic, extra virgin varieties are the best, since they are extracted with the least amount of processing and don’t contain synthetic chemicals.

Nutritional value of olive oil

A teaspoon of olive oil contains around 4-5 grams. According to the USDA this corresponds to about 40 calories, with 0.621 grams of saturated fats, 3.28 grams total monounsaturated fats, and 0.472 grams total polyunsaturated fats.

Saturated fats0.621 grams
Monounsaturated fats3.28 grams
Polyunsaturated fats0.472 grams
Fat contents of one teaspoon of olive oil

How much olive oil should you feed your cat?

With an average adult healthy cat needing around 120-180 calories per day, a teaspoon of olive oil is definitely a high calorie food. Nevertheless, it’s mainly comprised of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, so adding a teaspoon of olive oil to your cats diet once or twice a week shouldn’t be a problem.

How should you feed olive oil to your cat?

The best way to feed olive oil to your cat is to add it to their wet food. Cats are very sensitive to new tastes and smells, so I’d recommend to start with a few drops for a start. If you add a teaspoon of olive oil in their food it’s important to mix it well, otherwise most of the olive oil will flow to the bottom of the food bowl. A better solution is to use a sprayer. This will allow you to dose the olive oil precisely, and it will be evenly distributed within the food.

Final thoughts

Cats are not just a pet that you keep in your house. They are an important member of the family. One way to show them love is by giving them a healthy diet, and extra virgin olive oil can be a great addition to it. Taken in small quantities, olive oil can bring significant health benefits to your fury friends. Try it out for yourself, and don’t forget to always check in with your vet before making any important decisions about your cat’s health or modifications to their diet.